- 商品説明
国内外の有識者による寄稿、見聞録、現代版画としての謄写版作品集、版画製作技法紹介と、専門性の高い内容になっています。2020年現在、これからの謄写版(ガリ版)の姿を予知する一冊です。(日/ 英バイリンガル表記。)
- 商品概要
「10-48 謄写版のこれまで・これから」
著者:神﨑智子(版画家・10-48.net 主宰)
ブックデザイン:坂口 玄信(G_GRAPHICS)- Product Description(for international)
Note of purchases
Due to the specifications of this shop, we only accept payment via PayPal.This is a compilation based on 10-48.net, a special site of mimeograph.
The site is 13th year old and its main purpose is to let mimeograph be a printmaking.
A printmaker, Tomoko Kanzaki worked on it to connect mimeograph nowadays and printmaking.
The book is also an archive for those data.It includes a high degree of specialization, for example contributions by experts both Japanese and overseas, records of experiences, collection of works as modern printing, and introducing the techniques of printing. It will tell you about mimeograph (gari-ban) from now on as of 2020.
The contents are written both in Japanese and English.
- Product details(for international)
“The Past and Future of Mimeograph”
200P, A5size
Price 3,980 yen
Author Tomoko Kanzaki
publisher 10-48(TO-SHA)
Book design Harunobu Sakaguchi [G_GRAPHICS INC.]
謄写版のこれまで・これから/The Past and Future of Mimeograph